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New: Speedings IllumiCare Bag


The new IllumiCare bag sure adds another dimension to making Trauma Care bags stand out, with its unique illumination which can be set to static or flashing, definitely will glow at any accident scene.

With the bag on your back your visibility will be hugely increased, meaning higher safety on roads.

If you put the bag down in a dark area it’s always easy to find.

The bag was designed and manufactured by Speeding’s in Sunderland after partnering with Scilif to bring their innovative illuminating active technology ‘SUNFIBRE’ to the UK Fire market. This is first product we are introducing with tabards and surcoats following very soon, we believe this could be added into many other products.

This technology will go a long way to making fire fighters more visible when attending a night time incident, by enhancing the current passive technologies like retroreflective and photoluminescent.

If you would like anymore information about this new product, please feel free to call 0191 5239933 or email
